Bible Versions in English
2. New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
Also available from the United States Bishops Conference
3. New Revised Standard Version - Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
4. Revised Standard Version - Catholic Edition (RSVCE)
5. 1611 King James Version (Protestant)
Useful Bible Tools
2. BibleWalks
3. Blue Letter Bible (Protestant)
5. Catholic Resources for Bible, Liturgy, Art, and Theology
6. Dead Sea Scrolls Bible Translations
7. The Dead Sea Scrolls (Digitized Manuscripts)
9. NET Bible
11. The Greek Old Testament (Septuagint)
12. The Bible in a Year Podcast
13. The Septuagint in the New Testament
Patristics & Bible Commentaries
1. Catena Aurea
2. Catena Bible
4. Church Fathers (New Advent)
5. Church Fathers Scripture Index
8. Patristic Bible Commentaries
9. Sayings of the Desert Fathers
Papal Encyclicals & Church Councils
1. Catechism of the Catholic Church - 2nd Edition
3. Baltimore Catechism - Revised Edition
Catholic Biblical Studies & Theology