Sunday, June 30, 2024

Day 5: Man's Capacity for God (Part 2)

All creatures bear a certain resemblance to God, most especially man, created in the image and likeness of God. The manifold perfections of creatures - their truth, their goodness, their beauty - all reflect the infinite perfection of God.     (Catechism 42


Not a bad finish to this first chapter. It went into how God is knowable through reason (Fides et Ratio came to mind), even if just through observation of the world around us so we have little excuse for not believing in a Supreme Being (Wis 13:5Rom 1:18-23). I mostly agree with that, but I have to wonder how true that is for all human beings throughout history. That's not really been an issue for me so I don't dwell on this, mostly it's been wrestling with what God wants and expects of me. This is probably the most common for folks. At the end of the day, the showdown between God and Job is something that comes to mind (Job 38-39). It can be enormously frustrating at times, but we must trust God in the end because He is the omnipotent one, not us. We may think that we have the answers and still be completely wrong. Giving such trust is not easy for us and has to be constantly done again and again.

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Day 183: The Mass of All Ages

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