Thursday, June 27, 2024

When OCIA was RCIA...


This was my textbook you could say when I was doing RCIA back in the late 1990s at Sagrado Corazón, in Washington, DC. A friend of mine from Ecuador had invited me to go to church, and this eventually led to my enrolling in RCIA. That just goes to show that we should always take our friendships seriously because God may have a purpose in mind that we just don't know about. I only know a little about RCIA (OCIA now) these days since my sister just finished it, but back then I don't recall much of anything online and thus we were given this "textbook". Pretty basic from memory, but it did help with the then-new Catechism. I still have this on my bookshelf but haven't really looked at it much since those days. When I finish with this Catechism journey, I may have to re-read it to refresh my memory on its quality. It seemed good to me 25 years ago but I have no idea if I'd say the same today. 

One more thing about Sagrado Corazón. When I was received into the Church my maternal grandmother was one of my sponsors. I didn't know until I had asked to her to do so that this parish was where she had gone as a little girl many years before! The neighborhood back then had been Irish, which can be seen in some of the frescoes & statuary, that had obviously changed to overwhelmingly Hispanic by the time my friends and I were going to there. I've always known it as Sagrado Corazón but it began as Sacred Heart. Needless to say Grammy was really happy about this, in addition to my entering the Church. Icing on the cake as she would say. 

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Day 183: The Mass of All Ages

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