Saturday, October 19, 2024

Day 45: Summary of Creation

In the creation of the world and of man, God gave the first and universal witness to his almighty love and his wisdom, the first proclamation of the "plan of his loving goodness", which finds its goal in the new creation in Christ. Though the work of creation is attributed to the Father in particular, it is equally a truth of faith that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit together are the one, indivisible principle of creation.  God alone created the universe, freely, directly and without any help. CCC 315-317

Today's reading is a short summary, an "In Brief" for what has been covered the past few days in this section. We learned the very nature of God, as much as been revealed and our finite minds can comprehend, His loving act in Creation, and the scandal of sin in this life. I like how the Catechism Companion, Vol I puts it for God in Creation:
God did not create the world arbitrarily. He did not create the world because he was bored. God created the world because he is love - and he desired to share his love with free creatures he made in his image and likeness. (p. 94)

God permitting evil in this life is a mystery to us. We may not see it, but He can and does turn evil into a force for good and it "illuminates by his Son Jesus Christ who died and rose to vanquish evil". As the Catechism Companion says:

Jesus entered into our suffering. He entered into both physical and moral evil. He allowed physical evil to afflict him. He allowed moral evil to crucify him. In his resurrection, he conquered, transformed, and redeemed this evil. (p. 94)

As followers of Christ, we are called to "deny [ourselves] and take up [our] cross and follow [Him]" (Matt 16:24). As my late grandmother used to say, which drove me crazy as a kid not understanding, "Offer it up and follow Him!" 

Trinity in Creation from the "Glorification of the Eucharist" by Ventura Salimbeni (1600)

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