Saturday, October 26, 2024

Day 52: Male and Female

Man and woman have been created, which is to say, willed by God: on the one hand, in perfect equality as human persons; on the other, in their respective beings as man and woman. "Being man" or "being woman" is a reality which is good and willed by God: man and woman possess an inalienable dignity which comes to them immediately from God their Creator. Man and woman are both with one and the same dignity "in the image of God". In their "being-man" and "being-woman", they reflect the Creator's wisdom and goodness. CCC 369

In today's reading, the Catechism talks about God's creation of man and woman. They were created to "be with one another as helpmates and friends" (Catechism Companion, p. 109). They complement each other in temperament and physically. The continuance of our species through procreation has been given by God to them and "one cannot bring forth life without the other" (p. 108). Each is made "in the image of God" (Gen 1:27) and as the Catechism says, both "possess an inalienable dignity which comes to them immediately from God their Creator". As "helpmates and friends" they form a bond when they come together in marriage, which is the will of God and reflects His plan of a loving union for all of us. I like the way the Catechism Companion, Vol I puts this:
If you are married, God has entrusted your spouse to you. If you have been blessed with children, God has entrusted them to you. Our siblings, parents, neighbors - all have been entrusted to you. (p. 108)
Creation of Eve by Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel, Vatican City (1509-10)

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