Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Day 129: Many Vocations

Already destined for him through Baptism, the person who surrenders himself to the God he loves above all else thereby consecrates himself more intimately to God's service and to the good of the whole Church. CCC 945

Today's reading of the Catechism is strictly an "In Brief" section, giving "nuggets," as Fr. Mike Schmitz would call them, for what has been covered over the past few days. As such, there isn't much new to discuss here. I did, however, really like this from today's reading from the Catechism Companion, Vol II:
Those in the Church are part of the Communion of Saints, which is made up on the living faithful and those who have gone before us, both in Purgatory and in the beatific vision. The Communion of Saints surrounds us as a great cloud of witnesses and reminds us of the Church's mission to preach the Gospel and establish Christ's kingship. Baptism sets us apart and consecrates us for God's service. (p. 22)

I also enjoyed this brief video the Catechism Companion recommended, that's probably more useful to younger people but I still found to be interesting:

Each vocation calls us to holiness. Often it can be difficult to understand our vocation in the present moment. (p. 23)


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