Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Day 144: How We Worship

Today there is no reading from the Catechism, but instead a discussion between Fr. Mike Schmitz and Bishop Andrew Cozzens introducing Part 2. Tomorrow begins the actual reading of the text!

In the video, Bishop Cozzens and Fr. Schmitz introduce us to the importance of the liturgy in the life of the Church, along with the sacraments. The Catechism Companion, Vol II notes:
The liturgy and the sacraments transform us. The liturgy is Jesus' own perfect worship. It is his prayer that he made to the Father in his gift of self on the Cross. In the liturgy, we are participating in Christ's prayer... The Holy Mass and the Eucharist are the center of all liturgies and the center of our whole liturgical life... The sacraments provide a direct encounter with God. (p. 52)

The Companion also recommended this video on the Eucharist, which was good:

So that's it. Intros are done and tomorrow Part 2 starts in earnest!

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