Monday, February 17, 2025

Day 163: Summary of the Liturgy

By keeping the memorials of the saints - first of all the holy Mother of God, then the apostles, the martyrs, and other saints - on fixed days of the liturgical year, the Church on earth shows that she is united with the liturgy of heaven. She gives glory to Christ for having accomplished his salvation in his glorified members; their example encourages her on her way to the Father. CCC 1195

Today's reading from the Catechism is an "In Brief" summarizing everything from the past few days. As I don't really have anything new to add and believe a step-by-step repeat is unnecessary here, I'm not going to comment further on that. I do want to share some points raised in the Catechism Companion, Vol II:
Christ is the one who celebrates the liturgy, as our High Priest who is constantly offering himself to the Father. The Father and the Son pour themselves out to each other in love, and that love between them is the person of the Holy Spirit. All the angels and saints in heaven are drawn into the worship of the Holy Trinity, into that sacrifice and offering of love. The altar is where time and eternity meet, and we get to participate in it... As we listen to the words of the liturgy, the angels and saints are in heaven glorifying the Father continually... The Mass is the most perfect form in which we can participate in the word of Christ... (p. 90)

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Day 183: The Mass of All Ages

The command of Jesus to repeat his actions and words "until he comes" does not only ask us to remember Jesus and what he did. It i...